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Updated: 4 years 39 weeks ago

Workplace Etiquette

Wed, 07/03/2019 - 11:00am

When it comes to navigating the workplace, professional etiquette is crucial. The image that you portray–particularly your first impression–is one you will carry throughout the duration of your employment at an organization. This perception that you cultivate with your looks and demeanor, as well as how you choose to represent your workplace during off hours, can serve to either hurt or help your career. Here are some helpful tips for …

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Toxoplasma: A Cat-astrophe?

Wed, 07/03/2019 - 7:56am

Could your pet cat really be carrying a dangerous disease?

Some people might be afraid of adopting cats due to the fear of contracting Toxoplasma, a disease caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii which is one of the world's most common parasites. While this disease is usually correlated to cats it is more often contracted through eating contaminated food.

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Climate Change is Now Harming… Our Dogs?

Wed, 07/03/2019 - 7:48am

As if climate change did not seem to be negatively impacting everything as we know it already, it also has recently been shown to trigger the spread of diseases throughout the United States.

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Mizoram: three apartment buildings partially collapse after being hit by a landslide

Wed, 07/03/2019 - 3:14am

In Aizawl, Mizoram in India, three apartment blocks partially collapsed yesterday after being struck by a substantial landslide. Three people were killed.

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Sol 2454: Exploring Harlaw Rise

Tue, 07/02/2019 - 8:00pm

Curiosity is currently near the top of Harlaw Rise, having made a slight diversion from the southward drive through the clay-bearing unit to explore the nice exposures of rocks on this hill.

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The huge September 2018 Naga landslide in the Philippines: a first published analysis

Tue, 07/02/2019 - 2:21am

A first analysis of the mining-induced September 2018 Naga landslide, which killed 134 people and destroyed almost 60 houses

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Cruise blog: Update on observing seafloor methane seeps at the edge of hydrate stability

Mon, 07/01/2019 - 3:14pm

Six new posts, including two videos, from the R/V Falkor on its cruise to seek out and study methane bubbles seeping out of the seafloor.

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Fork Beard Glacier, Baffin Island High June 2019 Temperatures and Snowline

Mon, 07/01/2019 - 10:31am

Fork Beard (F) and Nerutusoq Glacier (N) Baffin Island on June 1, 2019,  June 18, 2019 Sentinel images and June 30 Landsat image. Purple dots indicate the snowline.  Fork Beard Glacier (F) is an outlet glacier of a mountain glacier complex just southeast of Penny Ice Cap on Baffin Island.  Nerutusoq Glacier  (N) also drains from the same complex. Here we examine the rapid rise of the snowline from June …

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How to Use Social Media Effectively for Work

Mon, 07/01/2019 - 8:00am

In recent years, the paradigm has shifted in the way that organizations market their information and communicate with the public. Social media is a powerful tool that allows us to connect with others on a global scale. By mastering the art of social media, you hold an invaluable skillset that makes you an incredible asset to any organization. When workplace social media comes to mind, you may feel inclined to …

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It’s the most, wonderful time, in the field!

Mon, 07/01/2019 - 6:59am

Every summer I take a break from the concrete jungle of DC and head to rural Pennsylvania to teach a field course for the University of Pittsburgh Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology (my undergrad alma mater). 

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E19 – Eavesdropping on the Ocean

Mon, 07/01/2019 - 4:30am

To those of us on land, the world underneath the oceans seems quiet and serene. But scientists who study ocean acoustics will tell you it is anything but tranquil underwater. Our oceans are home to a cacophony of sounds – from the songs of marine mammals to the cracking of icebergs to the rumbling of earthquakes to the roar of ships.

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Iliamna Volcano landslide: a new image from the Alaska Volcano Observatory

Mon, 07/01/2019 - 2:12am

The Alaska Volcano Observatory have released a new, high quality, three dimensional rendering of the Iliamna Volcano landslide on 20th June 2019

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“Fairy Rings” or “Hexinringe” and the Role of Fungi in Weathering and Soil Fertility

Sun, 06/30/2019 - 3:33pm

As our three-year old chocolate-golden Labrador mix looks happiest when he’s running, we try to get him out to a park once or twice a day. While he’s chasing noisy killdeer and attacking discarded plastic water bottles, I have a chance to look at the land and sky and assess the progress of the new growing season. In springtime, at one of the parks near our home in Lenawee County, …

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Sols 2451-2453: Climbing Higher

Fri, 06/28/2019 - 9:00pm

Curiosity has been a bit down lately-in elevation. After exploring the top of Vera Rubin Ridge (VRR) last year, the rover descended into a trough south of the ridge, dropping as much as 15 meters in elevation this spring to explore part of the clay-bearing unit.

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Sol 2450: "Badcall" or a good call?

Fri, 06/28/2019 - 8:00pm

Curiosity is parked in front of a ridge-forming outcrop known as 'Harlaw' in the Glen Torridon region, and the team had some fun with naming targets today.

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Village move intensifying in summer 2019

Fri, 06/28/2019 - 9:11am

The relocation of an Alaska village is happening fast this summer, after many years of planning and work. Observers say Newtok’s transition to Mertarvik is flying along because it has to — the Ninglick River bank is crumbling less than 10 yards from a Newtok home.

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Third Pod Live: Anthony Rapp

Fri, 06/28/2019 - 6:41am

At Third Pod, we often talk with researchers about how they grew up to become scientists. But how does an actor become a scientist on screen?

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The chains of geologic hazards arising from earthquakes

Fri, 06/28/2019 - 2:31am

In a simply wonderful paper just published in Reviews of Geophysics, which is open access, Fan et al. (2019) review the literature on chains of geologic hazards arising from large earthquakes, with a focus on the Ch-Chi and Wenchuan events. 

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Upcoming Chapman conference “Quest for Sustainability of Heavily Stressed Aquifers at Regional to Global Scales”

Thu, 06/27/2019 - 3:09pm

Abstracts are due soon (July 10th) for the upcoming Chapman conference on groundwater sustainability on Oct 21-24, 2019 in Valencia Spain.

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Study finds increased moisture facilitated decline in African fires in Africa

Thu, 06/27/2019 - 2:28pm

The amount of area burned across Africa declined by 18.5 percent between 2002 and 2016, according to a new study.

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