
Project Title Location
Effects of Cross-Boundary Processes on Human-Nature Dynamics in Wolong Nature Reserve for Giant Pandas Wolong Nature Reserve, China
Dynamic Interactions Among People, Livestock, and Savanna Ecosystems Under Climate Change East Africa
Dynamic Coupling of the Water Cycle and Patterns of Urban Growth Baltimore Metropolitan Region
Drowning of Developed Coastal Barriers: Investigating the Threshold Rates of Sea-Level Rise of the Geologic-Human System
Disparate Scales of Process and Nearshore Fishery Management U.S. West Coast
Direct and Indirect Coupling of Fisheries Through Economic, Regulatory, Environmental, and Ecological Linkages
Coupling Hydrologic, Economic, and Social Network Models to Improve Understanding of Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions for Protection of Instream Flows US Midwest
Coupling Human and Natural Influences on Coastline Evolution as Climate Changes Coastline of the Carolinas
Determinants of Grassland Dynamics in Tibetan Highlands: Livestock, Wildlife, and the Culture and Political Economy of Pastoralism
Coupled Natural and Human Ecosystems over Long Periods: Pueblo Ecodynamics
Coupled Natural and Human Dynamics in Coral Reef Ecosystems: The Effect of Marine Reserve Network Design and Implementation Bahamas
Coupled Human/Ecosystems Over Long Periods: Mesa Verde Region Prehispanic Ecodynamics Mesa Verde
Complex Interactions Among Urban Climate, Air Quality, and Adaptive-Reactive Human Response Portland Oregon and Houston Texas
Complex Interactions Among Policies, People, and Panda Habitat in the Wolong Nature Reserve Landscape Wolong Nature Reserve, China
Complex Ecosystem Interactions Over Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales: The Biocomplexity of Sanak Island Sanak Island in the Aleutian chain of Alaska
Comparative Stability and Resiliency of Ecosystems: Five Centuries of Human Interactions with the Environment on the Eastern Shore of Virginia Eastern Shore of Virginia
Biodiversity Dynamics and Land-Use Changes in the Amazon: Multi-Scale Interactions Between Ecological Systems and Resource-Use Decisions by Indigenous Peoples Raposa Indigenous Area, Brazil
Biocomplexity: Integrating Models of Natural and Human Dynamics in Forest Landscapes Across Scales and Cultures Texas, Venezuela
Biocomplexity, Spatial Scale and Fragmentation: Implications for Arid and Semi-Arid Ecosystems nine countries, four continents
Biocomplexity of the Greater Serengeti: Humans in a Biologically Diverse Ecosystem Greater Serengeti
Biocomplexity of Integrated Perennial-Annual Agroecosystems Iowa wildlife refuge
Biocomplexity and Fisheries Sustainability Bristol Bay, Alaska
An Integrated Analysis of Regional Land-Climate Interactions East Africa
Agrarian Landscapes in Transition: A Cross-Scale Approach United States, Mexico, France