Limited response to nursery stage ectomycorrhiza inoculation of Shorea seedlings planted in rubber agroforests in Jambi, Indonesia


HL Tata, M van Noordwijk, R Summerbell, MJA Werger

Journal or Book Title: New Forests

Keywords: Agroforestry; Dipterocarpacea; Enrichment planting; Internal transcribed spacer (ITS), Rubber agroforest, Scleroderma columnare

Volume/Issue: 39

Page Number(s): 24

Year Published: 2010


We transplanted Shorea selanica and Shorea lamellata seedlings that either

had or had not received ectomycorrhiza (EcM) Scleroderma columnare inoculum, commercially

available and prescribed as standard practice in nursery, into rubber gardens of

different age and plot history. The objective was to assess whether or not absence of fungal

inoculants restricted seedling survival, growth, nutrient uptake and EcM formation in the

first 2 years after out-planting in Jambi. Inoculation with EcM fungi in nursery had only

limited positive effects on growth in height and diameter or N and P uptake, but it

enhanced survival in the period 6–24 months after outplanting in all plots. With or without

nursery stage inoculation, S. selanica and S. lamellata can be used for enrichment planting

or reforestation in Sumatra as the species respond well to high light intensities. Presence of

up to five morphotypes of EcM confirmed the availability of inoculum also in second

generation rubber agroforests. Internal transcribe spacer sequencing revealed no S. columnare

could be identified from the ectomycorrhizal roots of S. lamellata and S. selanica.

DOI: 10.1007/s11056-009-9155-6

Type of Publication: Journal Article

Publisher: Kluwer
