Effect of Consumption Choices on Fluxes of Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus through Households


Baker, Lawrence; Hartzheim, Paul M.; Hobbie, Sarah; King, Jennifer; Nelson, Kristen

Journal or Book Title: Urban Ecosystems

Keywords: Household; Household ecosytem; Lawn; Fertilizer; Emissions; Wastewate; Flux; Carbon; Nitrogen; Phosphorus

Volume/Issue: 10/2

Page Number(s): 97-117

Year Published: 2007


Households are an important scale of analysis for human ecosystems because they are a major source of pollutants and could thus be a new focus for pollution management, particularly for education-based source reduction strategies. The household is also a meaningful unit for analysis of human ecosystems, being common to all human cultures. This study develops a Household Flux Calculator (HFC) to compute C, N, and P fluxes for scenarios intended to represent three levels of household consumption: low, typical, and high. All three scenarios were developed for suburban households with two adults and two children in the Minneapolis-St. Paul (Twin Cities) metropolitan area, Minnesota. Calculated ratios of fluxes between high and low consumption households were 3.5:1 for C, 2.7:1 for N and 1.4:1 for P. Results suggest a high level of discretionary consumption that could be reduced without a substantial reduction in standard of living. Thus, modest changes in behavior in high consumption households would greatly reduce fluxes of C, N, and P without major changes in lifestyle.

DOI: 10.1007/s11252-006-0014-3

Type of Publication: Journal Article
