
Work published is CHANS advanced.

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Total publications = 603
Title Author(s) Book/Journal Yearsort icon
Demography and Environment in Grassland Settlement: Using Linked Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Data to Explore Household/Agricultural Systems

Sylvester, Kenneth M.; Leonard, Susan Hautaniemi; Gutmann, Myron; Cunfer, Geoff

History and Computing 2006
How does Underlying Geology Affect Coastline Change? An Initial Modeling Investigation

Valvo, Lisa M.; Murray, Brad; Ashton, Andrew

Journal of Geophysical Research 2006
Impact of Climate Information on Reducing Farm Risk by Optimizing Crop Insurance Strategy

Cabrera, Victor E.; Fraisse, C. W.; Letson, David; Podesta, Guillermo; J. Novak

Transactions of the ASABE 2006
High-angle Wave Instability and Emergent Shoreline Shapes: 2. Wave Climate Analysis and Comparisons to Nature

Ashton, Andrew; Murray, Brad

Journal of Geophysical Research 2006
The Functional Value of Caribbean Coral Reef, Seagrass and Mangrove Habitats to Ecosystem Processes

Harborne, Alastair R.; Mumby, Peter J.; Micheli, Fiorenza; Perry, Christopher T.; Dahlgren, Craig P.; Holmes, Katherine E.; Brumbaugh, Daniel

Advances in Marine Biology 2006
Soil Microbiota Effects on Rye Growth: Implications for Integration of a Rye Cover Crop into Temperate Cropping Systems

De Bruin, Jason L.; Jordan, Nicholas; Porter, Paul M.; Huerd, Sheri

Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 2006
Agricultural expansion by smallholders as a threat to the ecological integrity of La Amistad Biosphere Reserve: Perceived vs. real impacts of cacao and cattle

Connelly, A.; Shapiro, Elizabeth

Journal of Sustainable Forestry 2006
The Emergence of Social Network Hierarchy using Cultural Algorithms

Kobti, Ziad; Reynolds, Robert; Kohler, Timothy

International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 2006
Welfare Dynamics in Rural Kenya and Madagascar

Barrett, Christopher; Marenya, Paswel; Mcpeak, John; Minten, Bart; Murithi, Festus; Oluoch-Kosura, Willis; Place, Frank; Randrianarisoa, Jean; Rasambainarivo, Jhon; Wangila, Justine

The Journal of Development Studies 2006
Modeling Long-Term Landscape Dynamics and the Emergence of Intensification

Barton, C. Michael; Sarjoughian, Hessam; Falconer, Steven; Mitasova, Helena; Arrowsmith, J Ramon; Fall, Patricia;

Society for American Archaeology, 71st Annual Meeting 2006
Livelihood strategies in the Rural Kenyan Highlands

Brown, Douglas R.; Stephens, Emma C.; Ouma, James Okuro; Murithi, Festus; Barrett, Christopher

African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 2006
Urban Landscape Patterns and Global Environmental Change (REC): Complex Dynamics and Emergent Properties

Alberti, Marina; Redman, Charles; Wu, Jianguo; Marzluff, John; Handcock, Mark; Anderies, John; Waddell, P.; Fox, D.; Kautz, H.; Hepinstall, J.  

International Human Dimension of Global Climate Change 2006
Modeling Population Dynamics and Settlement History in the Mesa Verde Archaeological Region

Varien, Mark

A Century of Archaeological Research at Mesa Verde National Park 2006
Modeling Impacts of Landuse Practices on Mediterranean Landscapes

Ullah, Isaac; Barton, C. Michael

Investigating Coastal Processes Responsible for Large-Scale Shoreline Responses to Human Shoreline Stabilization

Slott, Jordan M.Murray, Brad; Ashton, Andrew

American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2006 2006