Colombian agriculture under multiple exposures: a review and research agenda


Giuseppe Feola, Luis Alfonso Agudelo Vanegas, Bernardita Paz Contesse Bamón

Journal or Book Title: Climate and Development

Keywords: Agriculture; Latin America; Rural development; Climate change; Vulnerability


We adopt the multiple exposures framework to review the existing literature on the impacts of climate change, trade liberalization, and violent conflict on Colombian agriculture. These stressors act simultaneously but policies address them separately, overlooking the root causes of vulnerability. We find that the expected impacts of the single stressors have been relatively well documented, but that limited research has been dedicated to the observed effects of these three stressors and to their interactions. We propose a research agenda in three themes: trade-offs; social mechanisms; and governance. This agenda can inform not only agricultural adaptation but also debate on the alternative agricultural development models.

URL: Journal

URL: Open access

DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2014.934776

Type of Publication: Journal Article
