Zipper, Samuel
My name's Sam Zipper, and I'm an ecohydrologist. I'm currently a postdoctoral fellow splitting my time between McGill University and the University of Victoria, working with Jeff McKenzie (McGill) and Tom Gleeson (UVic). I received my Ph.D. in Freshwater & Marine Sciences from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in December 2015.
My research focuses broadly on interactions between vegetation and the water cycle, with a particular interest in unintended or indirect impacts of land use change on ecosystems resulting from altered surface and subsurface hydrological flowpaths. This research cut across the disciplines of hydrology and hydrogeology, soil science, agronomy, and ecology. I use a holistic, three-pronged approach of field observations, remote sensing techniques, and process-based numerical modelling to answer questions with global implications for how humans interact with our water resources.