Taylor, William W.

Taylor, William W.
Michigan State University

William W. Taylor graduated from Hartwick College with a B.A. in biology in 1972.  He received a M.S. in biology from West Virginia University in 1975 and a Ph.D. in zoology from Arizona State University in 1978. Taylor joined Michigan State University in 1980 and is currently a University Distinguished Professor in Global Fisheries Systems in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife. He is an internationally recognized expert in Great Lakes fisheries ecology, population dynamics, governance, and management. Throughout his career, Taylor has been active in the American Fisheries Society, serving as president of the society, the Michigan Chapter, and the North Central Division. Currently, he holds a U.S. Presidential appointment as a U.S. Commissioner (alternate) for the Great Lakes Fishery Commission. 

In addition, he has held a gubernatorial appointment to Michigan’s Aquatic Nuisance Species Coordinating Council, and a U.S. Secretary of Interior appointment to the Sport Fishing and Boating Partnership Council, which he chaired for eight years.  He is also the associate director of the Michigan Sea Grant College Program. Dr. Taylor has received numerous awards and published extensively in the scientific literature (>120 articles) and has co-edited five books, including the first edition of this publication on Great Lakes fishery policy and management.  Taylor has a keen interest in environmental policy and management from a local to global perspective.

Research Interests: 
Great Lakes fisheries ecology, population dynamics and management. U.S.-Canada fishery resource policy and management. Integration of environmental policy and management from a local to global perspective.