Schneider, Laura
I am biogeographer specialized in land change science. My research focuses on human-environment relations affecting patterns and processes of land-use land-cover change. My specific research interests are monitoring and modeling land transformation, biophysical remote sensing and ecological dynamics of plant invasions.
Results of my research show how important land transitions in the tropics, such as deforestation and the spread of invasive species, are caused by land management practices occurring under particular ecological contexts. My findings show how the ecology of invasive species, particularly its growth and expansion, is linked to farmers’ economic incentives and labor practices; I also developed ways to characterize heterogeneous tropical land cover types. My research findings from collaborative efforts also demonstrate how agricultural intensification does not necessarily release spare land for other types of uses.
I am currently involved in an ongoing research project looking at Environmental Disturbance in Greater Yucatan (EDGY) which is funded by Moore Foundation Ph.D., Geography, Clark University
1992 B.S., Biology, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá