Loftin, Cynthia
Dr. Loftin is a faculty member in the University of Maine’s College of Natural Sciences, Forestry, and Agriculture, as well as the unit leader for the U.S. Geological Survey’s Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit (MECFWRU). At the University of Maine, Loftin’s interests in systems, landscape, and wetlands ecology drive her research program involving landscape change and wetlands restoration issues. Her primary research interests are conservation and restoration of perturbed freshwater systems and applications of GIS to understand effects of landscape change on ecological systems.
As a scientist in the MECFWRU, Dr. Loftin’s research program reflects the information needs of the Unit Cooperators (Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey, Wildlife Management Institute, and University of Maine). Education and training are an integral part of the Cooperative Research Units program, and Dr. Loftin addresses this by supervising graduate students and post-doctoral students who collaborate with her in her research program. In addition to supervising research and providing graduate classroom instruction, Dr. Loftin provides technical assistance to the Unit’s cooperating agencies and the general public as needed.