Kreuter, Urs

Kreuter, Urs
Texas A & M University

Dr. Kreuter is an Professor in the Department of Ecosystem Science and Management at Texas A&M University. He received a B.S. (Agriculture, 1982) and M.S. (Agriculture, 1985) from the University of Natal, South Africa, and a M.A. (Economics, 1989) and Ph.D. (Range Science, 1992) from Utah State University. Before coming to the USA, Dr. Kreuter was a Research Officer with the Department of Agriculture, South Africa, where he investigated the selective behavior of livestock under different grazing management systems. His Ph.D. research focused on the comparative economics of cattle and wildlife production systems in the midlands of Zimbabwe. Dr. Kreuter was a post-doctoral researcher at Texas A&M University from 1993- 1994. He joined the faculty of Texas A&M University in 1998. Dr. Kreuter currently teaches an undergraduate capstone course in Ecosystem Management, a Study Abroad Course in South Africa that focuses on biodiversity conservation and eco-tourism, and a graduate course in Ecological Economics. Dr. Kreuter's research focuses on elucidating the human dimensions of ecosystem management. Dr Kreuter's research aims to inform policy aimed at creating positive incentives for the sustainable use and management of terrestrial ecosystems under a broad range of land tenure systems. His research has both a national and an international focus.
