Andersson, Krister
Krister Andersson's current research focuses on the politics of environmental governance in developing countries. Andersson's research has appeared in numerous journals and he is the author of three books. The first, The Samaritans' Dilemma (Oxford University Press, 2005) examines the institutional incentive structures of development aid and is co-authored with Clark Gibson, Elinor Ostrom and Sujai Shivakumar. His second book features his dissertation work in Bolivia, published in Spanish by Plural Editores (2005) in Bolivia ( ¿Cómo Hacer Funcionar La Gestión Forestal Descentralizada?). His most recent book, Local Governments and Rural Development (University of Arizona Press, 2009), which is co-authored with Gustavo Gordillo and Frank van Laerhoven, compares the institutional conditions for public service performance in 390 local governments in the rural areas of Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Peru.