Feb. 27, 2013

It's no secret that China is faced with some of the world's worst pollution. Until now, however, information on the magnitude, scope and impacts of a major contributor to that pollution -- human-caused nitrogen emissions -- was lacking.


Feb. 18, 2013

Hurricane Sandy was a fearsome reminder that coastal communities are highly vulnerable to extreme weather events and environmental variability, and that vulnerability is only expected to increase with climate change.


Feb. 1, 2013

For social animals such as schooling fish, the loss of their numbers to human activity could eventually threaten entire populations, according to research led by a CHANS-Net scientist that shows such animals rely heavily on grouping to effectively navigate their environment.


Jan. 24, 2013

In Missouri forests, dense thickets of invasive honeysuckle decrease the light available to other plants, hog the attention of pollinators and offer nutrient-stingy berries to migrating birds. They also release toxins that decrease the germination of nearby native plants. Why, then, do studies of invasive species come to different conclusions about their effects and lead some organizations to suggest we accept their presence?


Jan. 23, 2013

Hydraulically fractured natural gas wells are producing less wastewater per unit of gas recovered than conventional wells would. But the scale of fracking operations in the Marcellus shale region is so vast that the wastewater it produces threatens to overwhelm the region's wastewater disposal capacity, according to new analysis by a CHANS-Net researcher at Duke and a colleague at Kent State.


Jan. 14, 2013

How do people adapt to forest fires?

That question underlies the interdisciplinary Forest People Fire (FPF) project and is the focus of the next U.S. Forest Service Landscape Science webinar on Jan. 22 at 1 p.m. EST.


The 2013 CHANS Fellowship application is now available here: http://chans-net.org/form/chans-fellowship-application-form. You must be logged in to access the application.

Dec. 21, 2012

With support from the National Science Foundation, the International Network of Research on Coupled Human and Natural Systems (CHANS-Net.org) offers CHANS Fellowships each year.


Dec. 12, 2012

CHANS-Net members Jose Manuel Fragoso, Jeff Luzar, and Kirsten Silvius have two new papers in Human Ecology. Both examine the interactions between varous Western religions and the religions of indigenous peoples. They also examine the implications of changes in belief systems because of interactions on biodiversity.


Dec. 11, 2012

Over past decades, many areas of the forested Amazon basin have become a patchwork of farms, pastures and second-growth forest as people have moved in and cleared land -- but now many are moving out, in search of economic opportunities in newly booming Amazonian cities. The resulting depopulation of rural areas, along with spreading road networks and increased drought are causing more and bigger fires to ravage vast stretches, say researchers in a new study.


Nov. 26, 2012

Golden Gate Bridge

The National Science Foundation is suggesting adding a bit of spice to a geophysical scientist’s research recipe of rocks, water, air, space and life:

