Call for papers from Global Sustainability - Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press

May 6, 2024

A special issue of Global Sustainability - Cambridge University Press, calls for papers to the theme of “Geography, Telecoupling, and Sustainability".

In an ever-evolving world facing pressing environmental challenges, the intricate interplay between geography, sustainability, and telecoupling takes center stage. Geography studies have a critical role to play in accelerating the attainment of the SDGs and addressing challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and the provision of essential ecosystem services. Geography also offers a holistic perspective on the intricate relationships between human activities and the environment. Moreover, geography can act as a catalyst for promoting shared prosperity and overall well-being, while the concept of telecoupling provides a lens through which to understand complex global interactions.

Building on this vital connection, we extend a warm invitation to researchers, scholars, and practitioners worldwide to contribute their insights to a special issue of Global Sustainabilitydedicated to the theme of “Geography, Telecoupling, and Sustainability".

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