Significance of sacred sites for riparian forest conservation in Central Benin
Journal or Book Title: Journal de Bois et Forets Des Tropiques
Keywords: sacred forest, riparian buffer, ecosystem services, land-use change, Benin.
Page Number(s): 6-19
Year Published: 2010
Íbú ódó, or sacred pools or points in the river, are generally respected by Tchabè communities along the Ouèmé and Okpara Rivers of Central Benin (West Africa). Íbú ódó are governed by rules that may influ- ence conservation practices, including bans on fish poisoning, over-fishing and pollu- tion and discouragement of cattle grazing and cultivation in their vicinity. Riparian for- est structure and diversity was examined in three sites adjacent to sacred pools as well as in riparian areas adjacent to land uses in the region. Diversity in riparian forest tree species was highest in areas adjacent to sacred forests, while tree basal area was larger in areas adjacent to village uses or to sacred lands. The most remote site had the most diverse riparian forest with the largest basal area. Concurrent interviews with eld- ers and hunting chiefs revealed the signifi- cant cultural importance of sacred pools and riparian resources. Íbú ódó were respected not only by resident populations but also by migrants to the area. Riparian forests were valued for their many ecosys- tem services including soil fertility and their functions as windbreaks and hunting grounds. Íbú ódó should be incorporated into a long-term management strategy for the Ouémé River basin that will prevent the destruction of vegetation while conserving riparian forests. This would be crucial to flood control and biodiversity conservation in central Benin.
Type of Publication: Journal Article