
Work published is CHANS advanced.

Scientific publications -- in journal articles, books, dissertations, symposia -- are the lifeblood of advancing work in Coupled Human and Natural Systems. Here you can search for the work of others, and add yours publications to the CHANS network. Truly, the strength is in the publication numbers, and we invite and encourage you to add to the body of knowledge.

Total publications = 603
Title Author(s) Book/Journal Yearsort icon
Fingerprints of Global Warming on Wild Animals and Plants

Root, Terry L.; Price, Jeff T.; Hall, Kimberly R.; Schneider, Stephen H.; Rosenzweig, Cynthia; Pounds, J. Alan

Nature 2003
Compartments Revealed in Food-Web Structure

Krause, Ann E.; Frank, Kenneth A.; Mason, Doran M.; Ulanowicz, Robert E.; Taylor, William W.

Nature 2003
Science Commentary: SARS, Wildlife, and Human Health

Liu, Jianguo "Jack"

Science 2003
Protecting China's Biodiversity

Liu, Jianguo "Jack"; Ouyang, Zhiyun; Pimm, Stuart L.; Raven, Peter; Wang, Xiaoke; Miao, Hong; Han, Nianyong

Science 2003
Human Impacts on Land Cover and Panda Habitat in Wolong Nature Reserve Linking Ecological, Socioeconomic, Demographic, and Behavioral Data

Liu, Jianguo "Jack"; An, Li; Batie, Sandra; Groop, Richard E.; Liang, Zai; Linderman, Marc; Mertig, Angela G.; Ouyang, Zhiyun; Qi, Jiaguo

People and the Environment:Approaches for Linking Household and Community Surveys to Remote Sensing and GIS 2003
Adolescents Leaving Parental Home: Psychosocial Correlates and Implications for Conservation

An, Li; Mertig, Angela G.; Liu, Jianguo "Jack"

Population and Environment 2003
Landowners and Cat Predation across Rural-to-Urban Landscapes

Lepczyk, Christopher; Mertig, Angela G.; Liu, Jianguo "Jack"

Biological Conservation 2003
Effects of household dynamics on resource consumption and biodiversity

Liu, Jianguo "Jack"; Gretchen, Daily C.; Ehrlich, Paul R.; Luck, Gary W.

Nature 2003
Atlantic Salmon, Endangered Species, and the Failure of Environmental Policies

Jenkins, David

Comparative Studies in Society and History 2003
Sunk-Cost Effects Made Ancient Societies Vulnerable to Collapse

Janssen, Marco; Scheffer, Marten; Kohler, Timothy

Current Anthropology 2003
Peer Review in the Classroom

Liu, Jianguo "Jack"; Pysarchik, Dawn Thorndike; Taylor, William W.

BioScience 2002
Integrating Landscape Ecology into Natural Resources Management 2002
Modeling the Choice to Switch from Fuelwood to Electricity Implications for Giant Panda Habitat Conservation

An, Li; Lupi, Frank; Liu, Jianguo "Jack"; Linderman, Marc; Huang, Jinyan

Ecological Economics 2002
Biocomplexity: Integrating Models of Natural & Human Dynamics In Forest Landscapes Across Scales & Cultures

Acevedo, Miguel; Callicott, J. Baird; Delgado, Luz; Gunter, Pete; Harcombe, Paul; M. Ji; S.R. Kellert; J. Kennedy; LaPoint, Thomas; Mauldin, R. Daniel; Mikler, Armin; Monticino, Michael; M. Uzcategui

Report of Inaugural Workshop 2002
The Implications of Skewed Risk Perception for a Dutch Coastal Land Market: Insights from an Agent-Based Computational Economics Model

Filatova, Tatiana; Parker, Dawn; Van Der Veen, Anne

Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 2001