Journals issue calls for papers

May 29, 2012

Two journals have issued calls for papers for upcoming special issues focusing on wetlands, sustainability and risk analysis.

The new journal Ecological Processes has issued a call for papers for a special issue on wetlands in a complex world; CHANS-Net member Matteo Convertino is serving as guest editor of the special issue. The topic is the main theme of the Society of Wetland Scientists and the Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Conference: 9th INTECOL (International Association for Ecology) conference in Orlando, June 3-8. Read the Wetlands In a Complex World Special Issue call for papers.

The new journal Environment, Systems, and Decisions, (formerly The Environmentalist) has issued two calls for papers.

The first asks for papers on the challenges of energy, water and infrastructure sustainability for cities, industrial and military installations, and small communities for a special issue on energy, environment and sustainability. Read the Energy, Environment, and Sustainability Special Issue call for papers.

The second Environment, Systems, and Decisions special issue will focus on scenario and risk analysis and is asking for papers addressing the methods, theory, and applications of scenario and risk analysis. Read the Scenario and Risk Analysis Special Issue call for papers.
